okie, not very advisable to put up such a yummie l00kin like dish in the middle of the night!
my tummy is yelling at me! argh..... but i cant help but put this up....it l00ks too yummie to delete fr my digi ha.
she is so bloody nice! ha. im such a easily satisfied woman.argh hate myself man....
this is given by ah ri's mummie! her fren went paris, bought some bags for her and she ordered one bag for me and ah ri's brother's gf! complex? no la, read again, very easy one !ha =p
its ah ri's bro's gf's bday....but still don reallie nd to buy for me also mah....*touched*
tho maybe its a 顺便thing or trying to not be UNFAIR but still! such little act of concern MELTS ME straight away!
see DERRICK GOH! its nt that difficult to please me can!?
cant believe your mum knws betta! muhaaaa!
( bet he is never gg read my blog *phew*)
p.s okie i mus admit, being bitchy me, start to scrutinize the wallet so much that i was caught red-handed by the mummie!
sorrie auntie don be offended la!
i mean its fr paris mah! in case ur fren cheat u! ha =p
frenz who are GUCCI lovers help me decipher if this is real?
i wanted to take more pics but lousi me ha this is the best i could.
it reallie l00ks real but pretty cheap for this size.
according to aunite goh, its abt 180bucks!
something liddat prolly cuz like erm 300-400 in sing?
tink this is old design. but CLEVER auntie bought it in PINK!!!
erm *peace peace*
no throwin of smelly eggs ar!
i mean okie i mus admit, my silly preivous two post sounds abit erm too serious?
but cant help it lah! i mean emotions jus gets the betta of me mah!
if control den will dio 内伤one!
muhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. erm *sweat*
also its 真情流露喔!
hmmm liddat hor, ask me how are things...
hummm , also dunno wat to reply. i mean what am i suppose to say.
lame things like, "no lah, things are fine now?" or " we patched up?"
i mean lame cuz its rathering meaningless replyin to a stagnant situation.
tsk, dunno wad i mean?
i also dunno wad i reallie wanto put across. hopefullie someone understands ya.
another lame thing
me and ah si aka xiao xin aka xinyi are on a race.
we just finish our forthnightly 爱琴海concert, now too high to sleep.
thus we are on a competition of blogging....
apparently someone has won ya....
fine HUMP!
i shall keep my LOVE a secret ....
卖个馆子!( ah si , issit 错字?)
i wanto blog more la, but bit tired...soon ya folks....
till den, cya.....
ha, i wanto blog abt my ex leh,shit......oops!
hiak hiak hiak
firstly, i think the dish looked so much like wat we ate on christmas eve at cafe cartel....
Secondly, i want a gucci wallet too....
Thirdly, yeah yeah yeah!!!!!!! i won the blogging race!!!! u tortise! hahahahahahahahahahah! even though i wrote 4 lines nia i still won! hahahahaahahahahaha!!! i so tensai! can express all the feelings in 4 lines!!!!!!!!! muahahahahahah!
Fifthly, 写错字!its “卖个关子”!!!
i so high!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
many many black bird flying....
How come I'm left out of the blogging race!!! I think I concuss already!
Gearing up for our "excursion" next week again! Let's bring light sticks next time round.
The gucci wallet is so nice! I'm so envious.
P.S. Who is the anonymous writer in your last post???? Gossip gossip!
im already waiting for sunday to come!!!!!! gearing up! all ready to go!!
ah jun mei ar!
the so called anonymous is my fren Shishi la! u must have met her b4!
dunno y she appear anonymous leh...
haiz gers, im excited but tired too!
i miss the keyboard guy!
its my keyboard lesson every sun!
ha, free one! plus candy eyes on stage!
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